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Monday 28 May 2012

A Dozen Ways To Differentiate


12. In school, you do homework. In college, you study.

11. In school, you wear your backpack on one shoulder; in college, on both.

10. In college, the professors can tell you the answer without looking at the teacher's guide.

George Mallory

George H.L. Mallory
(June 18, 1886 – June 9, 1924)
On June 9, 1924 George Mallory and climbing partner Andrew Irvine were last sighted on Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, only a few hundred meters from the summit. The fate of George Mallory, one of the most revered, if not the most revered mountain climber ever, was unknown for 75 years until his body was finally discovered in 1999.

Mirror Writing

Leonardo wrote in Italian using a special kind of shorthand that he invented himself. People who study his notebooks have long been puzzled by something else, however. He usually used "mirror writing", starting at the right side of the page and moving to the left. Only when he was writing something intended for other people did he write in the normal direction.

Here is a sample of Leonardo's writing as it appears in his drawings.
This is how it would look reversed by a mirror.

People who were contemporaries of Leonardo left records that they saw him write and paint

Monday 21 May 2012

Ambidextrous Facts

1. If you can write equally well with either hand, then you are the one percent . Even among the small population of ‘multi-handed’ individuals, very few experience equal ease and skill with both hands. In comparison, around 10% of people are lefties.