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Monday, 30 April 2012

Places Around UKM

From UKM Bangi to

Take the Rapid KL bus T430
The bus will go around hostel in UKM to take you,
From UKM, it will pass by some Chinese Restaurant and UKM KTM Station  to Hentian Kajang
From Hentian Kajang, it will go to Metro Kajang Shopping Centre
Around Metro Kajang, there are Mc. Donald, Pizza Hut, some restaurants include Kajang Satay and other shops...
When you drop off at Metro Kajang, you can walk to Metro Point
Inside Metro Point, there are Secret Recipe, Sushi King, Kenney Roger and some other shops…
Approximately time taken for the place : 20mins (without the time of waiting,delay and etc)

The Mines
Take bus UKM 6Z/K or Rapid KL T430 to UKM KTM Station
From UKM KTM Station, buy the ticket to “Serdang” Station
When you reach Serdang KTM Station, walk across a bridge, and after about 5 minutes walking time, you will reach The Mines.
Approximately time taken for the place : 30mins (without the time of waiting,delay and etc)

Mid Valley
Take bus UKM 6Z/K or Rapid KL T430 to UKM KTM Station
From UKM KTM Station, buy the ticket to Mid Valley Station,
When you reach Mid Valley Station walk along the way, you will then enter Mid Valley Shopping Mall.
Approximately time taken for the place : 45 mins (without the time of waiting,delay and etc)

KL Sentral
Take bus UKM6Z/K or Rapid KL T430 to UKM KTM Station
From UKM KTM Station, buy the ticket to KL Sentral,
When you reach KL Sentral Station, you can find other transportation like international KTM, Putra LRT, KLIA Transit, Rapid KL LRT, Monorial (have to walk some distances), Air Asia Shutter Bus and etc…
Approximately time taken for the place : 1 hour (without the time of waiting,delay and etc)

Bandar Tasik Selatan Bus Terminal
Take bus UKM6Z/K or Rapid KL T430 to UKM KTM Station
From UKM KTM Station, buy the ticket to Bandar Tasik Selatan
When you reach Bandar Tasik Selatan, follow the sign board to get yourself into the Bandar Tasik Selatan Bus Terminal building,
Inside there you can buy any bus ticket to back to your hometown at South part of Malaysia (eg. Johor, Muar, Melaka…).
In Bandar Tasik Selatan, there also other transportation such as Rapid KL LRT, Rapid KL Buses, KLIA Transit…
Approximately time taken for the place : 30mins (without the time of waiting,delay and etc)

Puduraya Bus Terminal
Take bus UKM6Z/K or Rapid KL T430 to UKM KTM Station
From UKM KTM Station, buy the ticket to Bandar Tasik Selatan,
When you reach Bandar Tasik Selatan, follow the sign board to find the way to take Rapid KL LRT,
From Bandar Tasik Selatan LRT Station, buy the ticket to Plaza Rakyat Station,
When you reach Plaza Rakyat Station, walk for few minutes, you will then reach Puduraya Bus Terminal,
In Puduraya Bus Terminal, you can buy any bus ticket to back to your hometown at the North part of Malaysia (eg. Penang, Ipoh, Kedah…).
Approximately time taken for the place : 1hour and 15mins (without the time of waiting,delay and etc)

Sungai Wang/Timesquare/Pavilion
From KL Sentral, walk to the Monorial Station near by(walk out of the KL Sentral building to the opposite site, walk across some shops, then you will reach) to buy the ticket to Imbi Station.
From Imbi Station you will reach Timesquare,
Sungai Wang and Pavilion are both near by Timesquare where you can reach by walking.
Approximately time taken for the place : 1 hour and 30mins (without the time of waiting,delay and etc)

Sunway pyramid
From Mid Valley KTM Station,
Do not follow the way to Mid Valley, but walk across a bridge,
Then you can find a bus station below the bridge at the opposite way.
From that bus station take Rapid KL 63 / Metro Bus 10 / Metro Bus 13 to Sunway Pyramid.
Approximately time taken for the place : 2 hours (without the time of waiting,delay and etc)

Suria KLCC
From KL Sentral, take Putra LRT to KLCC Station,
Once you reach KLCC Station you are already inside Suria KLCC
Approximately time taken for the place : 1 hour and 30mins (without the time of waiting,delay and etc)

Petaling Street
From KL Sentral, take the Metro buses which labeled to “Kotaraya”,
Any buses labeled to Kotaraya also can reach Petaling Street
Approximately time taken for the place : 1 hour and 30mins (without the time of waiting,delay and etc)

One Utama/IKANO/The Curve
From Mid Valley’s South Court bus station, take Metro Bus 99 to One Utama/IKANO/The Curve
Approximately time taken for the place : 2 hours (without the time of waiting,delay and etc)

Cheras Pasar Malam
From Bandar Tasik Selatan, take Taxi to Taman Connought
Approximately time taken for the place : 1 hour and 30mins (without the time of waiting,delay and etc)

We put these imformations to you all, just want to remind you all to have some entertainments during your 3 or 4 years study. I bet KL is the best places to hang out and relax with your friends.  :) Have fun in your university life. :)

Do remember .. Study hard and Play hard TOO !!! ^^

The approximation of time taken, it’s just a reference for you all. Hope u all don’t take out your stopwatch and calculate =) . Actually it’s hard to approximate the time taken to those places because of some causes :

Ktm delay
Too many peoples and you can’t squeeze yourself inside the Ktm, and you need to wait next round.
The weather is bad, they need to drive slowly
And etc.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Harry Potter Known Boggarts

Albus Dumbledore: The corpse of his sister Ariana Dumbledore.

Seamus Finnigan: A banshee.
Hermione Granger: Professor McGonagall telling her that she failed her exams or failure in general.
Neville Longbottom: Severus Snape.
Remus Lupin: Full moon.
Harry Potter: A Dementor.
Parvati Patil : A mummy.
Tom Marvolo Riddle: His own dead body.
Dean Thomas: Disembodied living hand.
Molly Weasley: Dead family/friends .
Ron Weasley: Giant spider (or any spider for that matter).
Padma Patil: A giant cobra.
Fred and George Weasley: Lord Voldemort.
Justin Finch-Fletchley: Lord Voldemort.
Dobby: Lord Voldemort.
Katie Bell: Lord Voldemort.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Soya...bye bye

Nabi SAW mengamalkan pemakanan sunnah seperti kurma, kismis dll. Tetapi kita telah dipalingkan daripada pemakanan sunnah oleh golongan tertentu sehingga yg baik tidak diambil, sebaliknya kita disogokkan oleh musuh Islam dengan matlamat untuk melariskan barangan mereka. Kita selalu digembar-gemburkan dengan kandungan dan kebaikan soya yang mengandungi nutrien penting dan protein, tapi kali ni MTB nak kongsi sebaliknya. Hakikatnya, soya sebenarnya mengandungi kandungan bahan kimia yang berbahaya. Berikut adalah antara keburukan kacang soya :

1. Tinggi kandungan asid phytic (sejenis bahan anti-nutrien) yang menghalang penyerapan zat dan mineral seperti kalsium, magnesium, zat besi dan zink yang penting untuk badan kita terjejas. Akibatnya, zat makanan yang kita makan setiap hari tidak akan memberi manfaat kerana tidak diserap oleh tubuh kita. Laporan perubatan menunjukkan penduduk Negara Dunia Ketiga yang banyak mengambil kacang soya, mempunyai kekurangan mineral-mineral tersebut dalam badan.

2. Mengandungi hemaglutinin yang mengakibatkan sel darah bercantum sesama sendiri.

3. Mengandungi goitrogen yang mengkibatkan fungsi tiroid menjadi lemah. Ia boleh menyumbang kepada peningkatan hormone tiroid, yang menyebabkan kanser tiroid.

4. Kebanyakan soya adalah genetically modified, tujuannya adalah untuk memperbaiki kualiti dari segi saiz dan kuantiti pengeluarannya. Tapi malangnya tinggi kandungan racun perosak, dan khasiatnya semulajadinya? Hmm.. entah ke mana.

5. Tinggi kandungan natural toxin iaitu antizat (perencat enzim) yang menghalang penyerapan tripsin dan enzim lain yang diperlukan tubuh untuk proses penghadaman. Ia juga boleh merencatkan pertumbuhan manusia (di peringkat kanak-kanak).

Tambahan pula, toksin ini tidak dapat dimusnahkan melalui proses memasak. Ini akan mengakibatkan tubuh badan kita kekurangan asid amino, kembung perut dan kerosakan pankreas. Malang sekali, disebabkan unsur antizat yang terdapat pada soya. Sesetengah pengeluar hasil soya membasuh soya dengan asid di dalam tangki aluminium untuk mamastikan antizat tu hilang!

6. Wujud unsur heavy metal toxic di dalam tubuh badan, dan ia boleh menyebabkan nyanyuk, tahu??

7. Mengandungi satu bahan kimia yang menyerupai hormon estrogen pada wanita. Bahan ini dapat meningkatkan risiko kanser payudara, kanser ovari, kanser prostat, serta melemahkan otak (minda) dan tulang. Bahan kimia ini juga, jika diambil berlebihan mampu mengubah perkembangan seksual / sexual development yang mungkin mempengaruhi kejantinaan seseorang (melemahkan kejantanan lelaki dan mengurangkan kesuburan lelaki dan perempuan).

Ia juga kurang baik untuk bayi kerana ia bertindak seperti estrogen yang mengawal pertumbuhan lelaki dan wanita dewasa. Senang cakap, seolah-olah menggalakkan ia bayi membesar lebih cepat dari kadar yang sepatutnya. Menurut Dr Jill Shneider, Prof Madya Sains & Biologi di Lehigh University, Betlehem, Pensylvania, bayi yang alergik kepada susu lembu tapi diberi susu berasaskan soya merupakan satu keadaan yang berbahaya. Dikatakan, bayi yang diberi minum susu berasaskan soya menghadam phytoestrogen dari kacang soya, seolah-olah bayi tersebut menerima 5 biji pil perancang dalam sehari!

8. Kacang soya mengandungi satu susunan fotokimia (1) yang mengagumkan. Susunan ini merupakan komponen yang aktif secara biologi yang terhasil dari tumbuh-tumbuhan.

9. Selain itu, soya juga mempunyai satu susunan yang paling menarik iaitu satu chemical bernama isoflavone. Isoflavone pula merupakan komponen / sebatian kimia yang dikaji dapat melegakan symptom menopous, mengelak kanser, memperlahankan kadar osteoporosis dan mengurangkan risiko penyakit jantung.

Walau bagaimanapun, kandungan isoflavone ni bukan senang-senang dapat diekstrak dari kacang soya. Hanya selepas menjalani proses penapaian (fermentation) yang lengkap, barulah dapat menghasilkan isoflavone, yang dapat dihadam dengan sempurna dalam sistem penghadaman manusia. Dalam erti kata lain, kacang soya yang tidak menjalani proses penapaian sempurna, mempunyai kurang kandungan isoflavone dan tidak sesuai untuk diminum.

10. Tempe dan kicap (soy sauce) adalah selamat dan baik untuk kesihatan. Ini kerana tempe dan kicap telah melalui proses penapaian (fermentation process). Soya ini cuma tidak elok dimakan secara mentah (fresh) apatah lagi jika telah diproses menjadi air minuman (dari kilang pengeluar terutamanya). Tetapi, bagi sesetengah produk soya seperti tofu, sebatian perencat ini masih wujud, walaupun sedikit.

Untuk pengetahuan kita semua, para kafir agen dajjal ini (yahudi) juga mengwar-warkan kebaikan minum soya kerana USA merupakan pengeluar terbesar soya. Secara kesimpulannya, para kafir ini bukan sahaja setakat melemahkan kita dari segi lain namun secara pemakanan kita jua. Oleh itu kembalilah kepada pemakanan sunnah melibatkan jenis makanan dan cara pemakanan.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Persian almond-milk jelly recipe

Serves 4
Preparation time: 20 minutes, plus cooling and several hours chilling to set
Cooking time: about 10 minutes

Ingredients for Persian almond-milk jelly

2 cups (500 ml) low-fat milk
2 teaspoons powdered gelatine
2 tablespoons caster sugar
1 teaspoon pure almond essence
Fruit salad
3 oranges
1/4 cup (55 g) caster sugar
2 cardamom pods, very lightly crushed
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon orange-flower water, or more to taste
2 bananas
1/2 pomegranate

Preparation for Persian almond-milk jelly

1 Pour 150 ml of the milk into a saucepan. Sprinkle over the gelatine and leave to sponge for 5 minutes without stirring.
2 Stir in the sugar and set the pan over a low heat. Cook gently, without boiling, until the sugar and gelatine have completely dissolved, stirring frequently. Remove from the heat and add the remaining milk and the almond essence. Stir to mix. Pour into four 175 ml decorative jelly moulds. Cover and chill for several hours, or until set.
3 Meanwhile, peel the zest thinly from 1 orange and cut into thin strips. Squeeze the juice from the orange into a saucepan and add the zest, the sugar, cardamom pods and 150 ml of water. Heat gently, stirring, until the sugar dissolves, then bring to the boil. Boil for 5–10 minutes, or until reduced and syrupy. Remove from the heat and stir in the lemon juice and orange-flower water. Leave to cool.
4 Peel the remaining 2 oranges, removing all the white pith, and cut across into slices. Peel and slice the bananas. Scoop out the seeds from the pomegranate half. Combine the fruit in a bowl and pour on the syrup.
5 Turn out the jellies onto individual plates. Surround with fruit salad and serve immediately.
Each serving provides 837 kJ, 200 kcal, 8 g protein, 2 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 39 g carbohydrate (38 g sugars), 3 g fibre
Health tip
Milk jellies were a popular dessert in the Victorian era and a regular feature of children’s meals, because nannies recognised that the calcium provided by milk is particularly important for growing children to build strong bones.

How To Manage Allergies at Home

Minimize dust

Dust is a common allergen that quickly collects on all the surfaces in your home. "To help keep dust from gathering, install easy-to-clean shades or machine-washable panels, and clean regularly," says Soto. "If you have curtains, take them down once every two months and have them dry-cleaned." The designer also recommends regular cleaning with a HEPA filter vacuum, which will help capture the allergy-inducing particles you can't see that collect in upholstery and carpets.

Eradicate dust mites

Cleaning your bedding is essential in defeating allergens - think of all the hours you spend in your bed and bedroom every day. "I'm especially sensitive to dust and dust mites, so I always use allergen-proof covers on my pillows and mattress and wash those weekly, along with all of my other bedding, in hot water to kill the dust mites," says Soto. She also recommends that you steam-clean your rugs and upholstered furniture every three to six months.

Change your filters

Filters are made to collect dust and other air particles. However, dirty filters can't do their job. Change your heating/air conditioning filters regularly (and never run your unit without filters). In addition, frequently clean or replace your vacuum filter so it can effectively catch allergens and not kick them back into the air. 

Go bright in the garden

You don't need to cover your yard in rocks to manage your allergies -- simply plant low-pollen plants. "Stick with bright, colorful flowers as they rely on insects rather than wind to transport their pollen," says Soto. "Because of this, brighter flowers tend to produce less pollen." Gladiolas and peonies are low-allergen plants.

Keep pollen out of the house

Soto recommends planting flowers with higher pollen counts as far away from doors and windows as possible to discourage pollen from drifting indoors. In addition, take your shoes off outside before entering your house to prevent pollen and allergens from being tracked in from the outdoors

Do outdoor activities later in the day

Pollen counts tend to be high in the morning, so plan your outdoor activities for the afternoon. This will reduce your exposure to outdoor allergens as well as reduce the level of allergens that might catch a ride with you back into your home. 


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What Bill Gates Says

Bill Gates should hire all of 9gag...
maka jika anda ingin berjaya.........jadilah pemalas??